
FuseProject office furniture design

Modern office furniture design and maximum use of natural light through the glass door has created a beautiful office, energy saving, beautiful.

With iron frames thick enough to fit glass in to make the style shine brightly with natural light is what architects want in this office.
A simple square box cabinet for the best price and the same function can hold many things that contribute to the beautiful office decoration.

The arcade sofa turns blue from light gray to white with the floor mats.
At this location, which provides the best light for office space, from the roof to the window will increase the comfort of viewing.

There are spaces that need to be separated for the office, such as the meeting room or the director's office, separated by 3D wallpapers that accentuate space and seemingly unmistakable to the consumer. This is great.

The work area is also neatly arranged to increase the area for the entrance.
Each work space for each person is separated by a box to keep the work as well as to put some items inside such as books, documents ...